Swami Trailokyananda Puri
SpiritualityA monk
As this part belongs to Kathopanishad, so please visit the First part of Kathopanishad for "Course summary".
Mantra (1-3) The Yamraja gives vivid description about that "Supreme entity" which is beyond Nachiketa's intelligence.
Mantra 4: Here Yamraja clarifies our concept regarding Rebirth .
Mantra 5: It is said "Your mental pattern or conditioning just reflects that "entity" as everything in this world are Bramhas but the read one is beyond our concept.
Mantra 6: The intelligent person knows that our sensation is changing all the time. Hence these five sense organs are not me.
Mantra 7: Mind is more subtle than sense organs. Intelligence is one step ahead than our mind. Then comes the 'I' tendency which is much more greater than intelligence But that "Supreme power" which is higher than all of this is beyond our word.
Mantr 8: Now comes the "Entity". The Entity creates and destroyes all the earthly things. Who Knows "HIM" becomes "HIM"
For more details Enroll the course now.
A monk