Srimad Bhagbad Gita Chapter - 13

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This chapter tells us that "what is happening with the 'I' tendency?" and "who is the identifier of our 'I' tendency?" 

Basically it looks like here is two parameters but when we go beyond these two, there we will find that one turns into two. There is no trace of two things in this world. As we present, respectively the object present in front of us.

As we all know that the same object varies person-wise. It proves that when there is I tendency then there must be some concepts which creates this variations. 

Here Sri Krishna saying to Arjun that "you are Arjun" that's why there are "your uncle, brothers etc." When Arjun leaves his small identification, he becomes free to take decisions.

How this chapter effects on our life , to know it click on the "Enroll Now" button.

Swami Trailokyananda Puri


A Monk

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