Srimad Bhagbad Gita Chapter -6

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According to Krishna, right action, or karma yoga, is also renunciation because it requires the person to renounce their " own selfish will." The self—consisting of the mind, senses, and body—can aid the soul of a person who has already mastered those things. That same self is also what keeps a person from realizing their true inner Self. People may let themselves be governed by their mind, body, and senses instead of controlling them. To practice yoga, one must master the practice of meditation. This practice includes sitting in a clean place covered by a cloth, concentrating on a "single object," keeping the posture straight, and being moderate in sleeping and eating. Meditation brings calm and peace to the mind, which then dissolves to reveal the Self. This practice of yoga through meditation leads to the freeing of the Self from suffering or sorrow. Arjuna inquires how the mind can be quieted, for it is "as hard to master as the wind." Krishna responds it is difficult but can be achieved with self-restraint and discipline. When Arjuna worries what becomes of people with faith but no self-discipline, Krishna reassures him that this type of person is not lost. Any goodness done will only perpetuate more goodness, and a person with no self-discipline may find peace and "attain the ultimate goal" in a future life.

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In chapter 5 of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna describes how to attain perfection by Niskama karma yoga or work without expectation of return. In the sixth chapter, Krishna explains the process of Ashtanga yoga or meditation as a means to control one’s mind and senses. We will divide this chapter into various sections and analyze the sections in depth.

Swami Trilokyananda Puri


A Sanatana Monk who believes in Advaita ( Non-dualism ) Vedanta philosophy.

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