Swami Trailokyananda Puri
SpiritualityA Monk lives his life at Advaita Philosophy.
I (Supreme energy) will tell you the extreme knowledge which will help you to cut the materialistic bondages. Who didn't know me takes rebirth. My presence at every particle and every nook and corner like air. I am unattached with this materialistic things. That's why nothing can bind me. When people worship other gods, they are actually worshipping Krishna in his unknown form as the source of all existence. They are unaware of this and don't recognize or appreciate Krishna when he appears in human form. All his guideline is ultimately a description to Arjuna of why all actions should be performed with love and doership of Krishna (Supreme).
Who totally depends on me I (supreme energy) carry their "Yog" and "Kshem". I am free, universal, pure, and knowledge . I nurture spiritual knowledge. I create this world. Remember it’s only because of universal laws-orders that you are successful. Which continue giving enjoyment after a birth. My devotee can't be destructed, it is confirmed and you can preach it wholeheartedly. When you come to my world as a human being then you only worship mine. This is only Karma.
A Monk lives his life at Advaita Philosophy.